instagram favorites


a week in review: one day it was so warm and springy that we went outside to fly our giant, blue butterfly kite, also some flowers sprang up and made our gray town look so pretty. one day the mountains started looking greenish so we went hiking up a very steep hill. oh, haha, you see that instagram photo of my hubby's feet on paper towels? yeah, i scrubbed the kitchen floors and he was trying to be nice and not get them dirty by only sliding across the floors on paper towels, yep he is the best! ok, have a wonderful weekend. cheers, love ya all.
p.s. today it snowed, that sucks :( boo...i hope it melts tomorrow :( on the happy note, people at work were wishing each other merry christmas, silly old folks


  1. Looks like a great week! :) Those flowers are so pretty and whatever is in that photo with the ice cream looks delicious! I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling I'd eat it haha.
    Snow?! Yuck. I hope it melts for you FAST!

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

  2. hey andrea, yeah it's ice cream and orange soda, way delish :D and the snow is gone! yay! thanks!


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