

♥Merry Christmas! What a wonderful and exciting season it has been. I'm so happy that we got to spend it with people that we love :)
♥Sugar cookies! These were a hit with everyone :) haha! 
♥Godiva chocolates club! The best club to belong to!
♥Starbucks during Christmas season, so good! Thank you!

♥Gingerbread house making at my favorite aunties! She's!

♥My favorite tradition :) SLC temple square lights, such a wonderful place to go to embrace the full spirit of Christmas :)

♥Christmas morning- LegoArchitecture was definitely the way to go with Sean :) 

♥I wish I could say this was a nice day to go on a walk, but it was freaking freezing :) but still beautiful 

Well, these are our holiday season blurps ;) I hope yours was awesome as well! 


P.S. Thanksgiving was pretty great too :)

♥Yummy food, annual height measuring (even the old people measure, like they expect they grew over the past year of something, haha ;), cute second cousins! 

♥ Sean has gotten into pottery over the last semester :) 



I thought I better share these pictures before the snow from the mountains is down in the valley as well. Sean and I drove up the Logan Canyon a little while ago to see the leave. It was cloudy and rainy, but the weather made the leaves look even brighter. Autumn is probably my favorite season, even though it really doesn't last very long in Logan. My birthday and our anniversary was in September, which makes this season more special to me.

The first three pictures I took a couple of days before our "drive" and it was sunny :)

I know that everyone and their mom have posted this quote on Facebook already, 
but I just love Anne Shirley 

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
-Anne Shirley

This last one was an attempt to take a picture of both of us with a self timer haha ;) 



P.S. last years Tony Grove pictures, they don't disappoint!  



Last week Sean and I went to Salt Lake City for a fun hang out day, and so Sean can do some research for his upcoming interior design project. While we were there we decided to stop by Whole Foods to get lunch and I tried a chia drink for my very first time. I've heard of chia before, but I've never tried it or knew how to use it. The drink was amazing! {it was called Synergy} After I got home I decided to research a little more about chia seeds and why they are healthy. Can I just tell you, they are so fantastic you'll want to eat them everyday! 

The Health Benefits of Chia 

♥ 1 oz serving has 11 grams of fiber 
♥ more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon
♥a great source of calcium
♥ lots of PROTEIN, no cholesterol
♥ helps you stay full and fights belly fat 

Chia Drink "recipe" 
 {it only has three ingredients, and one of them is water}

♥ 3 tablespoons of chia seeds 
{I got mine at a natural store in Logan, but you can get them at any health store}
♥ 1 cup of warm water
♥ 1 cup of juice 
{whatever juice you like works!}

Soak the chia seeds in 1 cup of warm water overnight, in the fridge. I just put mine in the measuring cup and covered it with wrap.  

In the morning, give the seeds a good stir. They should have jelled overnight. 
I filmed this little video just to show how they are suppose to look. 

Combine the jelled chia seeds with 1 cup of juice. I put mine in a bottle, but you can just use a glass or some sort of a jar. Enjoy!!! 

this tasted exactly like the store bought juice :)

i hope you like it as much as i do! :)
I think homemade chia drinks could be a little healthier than the prepackaged store bought ones, because you don't have to add any sorts of acids to keep it fresh :) 

Let me know if you try it! We've been loving it 


Bear Lake '13


we thought we were going to get rained on, but it went the other way :)
rain rain go away- worked!

i think i know why people call their friends "like a sister", because sisters are great :)
even though she knows how i annoying i can be, she still wants to hang out with me :)
somehow we ended up together :) 

ah yeah, my castle totally beat theirs haha ;)

a little in car photoshoot to remember the times we spend together
summer 2013
Every year I always pledge to myself not to get sun burned, and every year I get one real sunburn! This year it was at Bear Lake, two days before school started and my nose peeled on the first day of school -and for the following week. Next year will be the year that my skin will not get burned!!! {maybe if promise the internet, i will keep my new year resolutions, lol} 

Bear lake was fun though! My sister came with us and she always brings out the funny in me :) We also brought all sorts of yummy snacks and drinks and just had the best day {and we brought sunscreen too, but no one used it}! 

I hope you all had a fantastic summer and ready to take on the autumn! 


Tony Grove with Sean ♥♥♥ and other thoughts


one of the last perfect summer days before school started 

this log is meant for something better than laying in the lake
it's just gorgeous

anyone else always photographs flowers? ;)


oh how i am going to miss these super sunny days during the gloomy winter

I really can't believe that school started three weeks ago. Time is sure flying by! I have only 13 weeks of school left and then I will no longer be a student. If I am being honest, it really has caused me some stress lol. Sometimes I am really excited about graduating and other times it is really daunting in a confusing way. College went by fast!  What I always called "real life" -aka life after college- is approaching. 

On a happy note, this has been one of the laziest summers I have had in a long time and I loved it.  
Bring it on life ♥♥♥


a little quote for your day

pic via Pinterest

P.S. I've been doing this a lot lately and it sure helps :) freshman year and senior year sure have 
some things in common :)