Last year I saw this fun 12 dates of Christmas idea on a few other blogs, before I started my own blog, and Sean and I tried doing it. Although we didn't finish all of the 12 dates, we did get 10 in, considering that we started during finals I think we did pretty good. It was really fun to do and fun to make time for each other during the busy holiday season. We didn't spend much money on our dates, which made the dates less stressful and more creative {sometimes they were just doing things at home :)}
This year, once again, we are going to do the 12 dates of Christmas! I am really excited and started planning some of our dates a little earlier {we usually plan them together, i mean 12 dates in a short time period is a lot for one person to be responsible for!}And we enjoy planning them together, sometimes we plan ahead and other days they are very impromptu :) Here are the ones that we did last year and I'm sure that some of them will be repeats this year too :)
♥ date 1- homemade pizza and homemade ornaments, I made a little sailing ship and Sean painted a star :)
♥ date 2- smoothies and Christmas shopping guides, the guides were for each other, they were super helpful when we actually did go shopping. You don't have to get the other person everything on their wishlist but at least you get some good ideas on what they are looking at :)
♥ date 3- ok, so this was our lamest date, we had to study :( we both had finals, but for our date we did put a movie in and studied next to each other, probably some snacking was involved :)
♥ date 4- went out for pizza and a movie at the cheap theater ($3 per person, $2 with a coupon, doesn't get much better than that!)
♥ date 5- hot chocolate and driving around our little college town finding the best Christmas decorations and lights :)
♥ date 6- Christmas shopping, finally! this obviously means that the finals were over and we had some time to get STARTED on buying gifts :)
♥ date 7- my favorite date and a tradition of ours, going to
Salt Lake City Temple Christmas lights and out for sushi at Kyoto (the best place to get japanese food in SLC) I absolutely love all of the lights at the temple square, it's so beautiful and wonderful to feel the true spirit of this season :)
♥ date 8- a basketball game at our university, we won! a true college couple date, haha
♥ date 9- a trip to the local Petsmart, whenever we go there we always hope to see puppies :) we can't have pets at our apartment complex, but you can sure bet we will get one as soon as we can :)
♥ date 10- I guess we were in an animal loving mood and went to see We Bought a Zoo, it's definitely one of our favorite movies now :)
I can't wait to do the 12 dates of Christmas 2012 edition and I will be sharing it here, so make sure to check back and follow along :) if any of you are doing it or anyone you know is going to do it make sure to let me know, it would be fun to see others date ideas.
Happy Holidays!