Last weekend we have finally matched our days off and decided to get out of town and go to Bear Lake. It's only about an hour away from Logan and the weather was absolutely perfect. Our friend Simon came with us as well and it's really fun to share our fun with him, since he is not from here and it's always more fun to take new people to the places that we love and know. We rented a canoe and brought our fishing poles. We rowed across the lake, ate our lunch right in the middle of it and enjoyed watching other people sailing their beautiful sailing boats. Fishing didn't really go as well as I was hoping, yeah we didn't catch any fish at all, but we did see them swimming under our boat! Seriously, I was ready to jump in after them! The water was the most gorgeous turquoise color and really sparkly. The sun was perfectly above us and all three of us got unexpected sunburns, I can still hardly wear anything with straps and trying to wear as little clothing as possible, ha, thank goodness I had sunscreen on my face as well as a hat and sunnies. Afterwards we got famous Bear Lake raspberries milkshakes and went on a hike. We were going to go camping in the evening, but due to wild forest fires that have been going on in UT we couldn't have a campfire. That didn't stop us from setting up a tent in the living room and cooking up some hot dogs in a cooking pan. Overall last weekend couldn't have been better than it was, besides our sunburns that I am still waiting to turn into a nice tan for Hawaii in two weeks! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and ready for the fireworks tomorrow and the 4th!